This is the question that many ask themselves daily. It is a question that many ask of God and also of friends and family when life throws a gut punch. The question is when? When is this going to happen for me? When is this other thing going to happen for me?
The question to ask is when are you going to stop procrastinating and do what is in your heart to accomplish your goals. Wait, do you have goals? Have you written down any goal for your life? If not, it is not too late to start right now.
There will not be a perfect time. The time is when you decide to start. This is nothing new or cutting-edge. Every plan, goal, idea, vision or any other purpose that you have thought about or even talked about gets left in the world of ideas until you write them down. You give a level of concrete awareness of your goals when you write them down.
You are more likely to accomplish a goal that is on paper or some form of electronic communication like a personal organizer. I will end this with one last statement. Write it down and look at it, study it and soon you will become it. Creation is waiting on you to do what you do today!