Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I have not posted in awhile. I am on Google every day checking my emails and stumbled across my blogs, so I figured I would write a post. Words are tools for creating and sending messages.

When you speak a word, you have an image in your mind and you send an image to others. Words are powerful forces in this word. Words have started rumors and wars. Words have created enemies and started friendships as well.  We are given opportunities to speak words of life, or words of death.

There can be a blessing party or a cursing party. It is always up to you to decide, no matter who said what about you or to you. Your words are your key to the atmosphere that you would like to create. I encourage you to allow your words to set a good tone for your day. Instead of saying, I do not feel like going to work just say I am having a wonderful and productive day.

Many times the result or desire of what you are seeking starts with the words that you allow to flow from your lips. Speak a positive faith-filled word that edifies, instead of a hurtful word that crucifies. I see you as a wordsmith. You can create good things with your words, but if it is to be, it is always up to you. Speak well.

You can follow my tweets at www.twitter.com/waltertaylor_ or order my book Touchdown Love at www.touchdownlove.com