Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I have not posted in awhile. I am on Google every day checking my emails and stumbled across my blogs, so I figured I would write a post. Words are tools for creating and sending messages.

When you speak a word, you have an image in your mind and you send an image to others. Words are powerful forces in this word. Words have started rumors and wars. Words have created enemies and started friendships as well.  We are given opportunities to speak words of life, or words of death.

There can be a blessing party or a cursing party. It is always up to you to decide, no matter who said what about you or to you. Your words are your key to the atmosphere that you would like to create. I encourage you to allow your words to set a good tone for your day. Instead of saying, I do not feel like going to work just say I am having a wonderful and productive day.

Many times the result or desire of what you are seeking starts with the words that you allow to flow from your lips. Speak a positive faith-filled word that edifies, instead of a hurtful word that crucifies. I see you as a wordsmith. You can create good things with your words, but if it is to be, it is always up to you. Speak well.

You can follow my tweets at www.twitter.com/waltertaylor_ or order my book Touchdown Love at www.touchdownlove.com

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Sometimes it takes seeing someone else move before you move. The word says that we should provoke one another to a good work. (Hebrews 10:24) Another word that goes along with this is to let your light shine so that others can see your good works and glorify God!

No matter what you are seeing or going through it will take action to make anything happen. Dreams are good, but only make a difference when they are acted upon.

This is short but sweet, but let these few words encourage you to move forward and continue to allow the Spirit of God to direct your path. With God all things are possible.

May the Lord bless and keep you is my prayer.

Walter Taylor

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


This is the question that many ask themselves daily. It is a question that many ask of God and also of friends and family when life throws a gut punch. The question is when? When is this going to happen for me? When is this other thing going to happen for me?

The question to ask is when are you going to stop procrastinating and do what is in your heart to accomplish your goals. Wait, do you have goals? Have you written down any goal for your life? If not, it is not too late to start right now.

There will not be a perfect time. The time is when you decide to start. This is nothing new or cutting-edge. Every plan, goal, idea, vision or any other purpose that you have thought about or even talked about gets left in the world of ideas until you write them down. You give a level of concrete awareness of your goals when you write them down.

You are more likely to accomplish a goal that is on paper or some form of electronic communication like a personal organizer. I will end this with one last statement. Write it down and look at it, study it and soon you will become it. Creation is waiting on you to do what you do today!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Do You Have Writers Block?

Hello there! This is for my writers out here. I remembered when I first started writing. I could not muster up 3 lines. I looked everywhere for help, but could not find it. All the time I was looking for help, I was looking in the wrong places.

The voice I was looking for was on the inside of me. I trust that you are not here because you are stuck, but just in case you are stuck or feel stuck, let us talk. My opening questions was, do you have writers block and have you run out of ideas?

Well, the answer in my own opinion is that there is no such thing as writers block. What you may have run into is tiredness or you just need to take a break from writing. I have learned even in the times that I felt the so called writers block, that I just needed to talk to myself.

That is right! I talk myself through any time of feeling any impression that I was stuck. Most writing is conversation. When you have figured out what you want to say and even when you do not know what to say, just talk yourself through your time of feeling a block in your mind and you will find out that all you had to do was to keep moving forward.

In the times that you feel that you want to stop or give up is when you must keep moving forward. This is not a long article as it did not have to be. Take something that you like and are passionate about and run with it. No writers block here! I hope this was informational and encouraging for you and all you have to do now is do it! Write with purpose in mind! Write your heart and mind! Discover yourself through writing. Write with intention and move with the inspiration that you already have! If you need more urging or tips, contact me.

Peace and Blessings as you write!

Walter Taylor

Jan 31-Why Did This Happen To Me?

Why did this happen to me? You have heard this question asked before I'm sure. I know I have asked it myself. Why does it seem like I cannot get ahead? Why is all of this bad stuff happening to me? I am a magnet for bad luck. If it could happen, it will happen to me. I hear people make these kind of statements in public and it hurts when I make an attempt to help them with their words. In many cases, I may not know the person and it still hurts.

Our words go into the air where they live forever. Our words are like food for thought and when negative words get released into the atmosphere, they have a lasting effect just like faith-filled words. The bible reads that we should let every word that comes out of our mouth be edifying so that it ministers grace to the hearers.

This means that you should be speaking words of encouragement and words of purpose at every opportunity you get. The thing that may have happened to you happened. Get over it! There are many things that you can change and as much as you can you should do so. There are other things that you cannot change like people. You can pray for people. You can pray for situations and circumstances to get better, but you will never be able to change anyones' will.

You can control your mouth. You can control your responses. You can control your emotions. If there is an abundance of pain in your spirit, then it is up to you to make the necessary changes in your life to eject the pain and receive the love of God in your heart.

If you have this attitude that bad things always happen to you, then you can make a decision to start saying that God loves me so much that He sent His own son to take punishment that I should have taken. If the God of all creation loves you that much, then He has a good plan for your life. I invite you to give God a chance in your life.

I invite you to invite Jesus Christ into your heart as savior. There is nothing that you can do after you leave your earth suit. Your eternity depends on what you do in this life now. You may not have a billion dollars. You may not have all the time you want. You may not have the best relationships. You do have a choice where you spend eternity. You have a choice what comes out of your mouth. You have a choice where you spend your money. You have a choice what you focus on.

I invite you to take a seven day challenge. Challenge yourself to speak positive faith-filled words over the next seven days. If you happen to speak a negative word, then cancel it out by speaking 3 positive words. It is so easy being negative.

It almost comes naturally in the minds of many people. Remember, you are the gate to anything living in your life. Just because something happens does not mean it has to stay in your life. Practice speaking the love of God. Practice speaking the peace of God. Practice speaking the plan of God.

Start out the day by saying, this is the day that the Lord has made and I choose to rejoice and be glad in it. The more you say this the more you will see your joy level increase. God bless you and please accept my invitation to receive Jesus Christ right now as your personal savior.

Just say God, I am a sinner and I am asking you to forgive me right now. Say, God I believe that Jesus died for my sins and I ask you to come live in my heart right now.

After you have prayed, study out the scriptures starting in the 4 gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and study Jesus.

In His Grip,

Walter Taylor

For Jan 30-Why Go To Church?

I have heard many say that they do not need God. I have even heard some say that God is for weak-minded people. Well, I am only going to tell you what I agree with from the bible.

In Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 25 it advises the church or even if you are not in church to not forsake the assembling of yourselves. In a nutshell, do not abandon fellowship with the brothers and sisters of the church.

If you forsake fellowship, then you begin to think that you do not need God and slowly drift away into your own sense of God. You become a critic of the God that you once loved so much. You become a critic of the very people that you may have worshiped with.

Why does this happen? Why do people find themselves outside of the fellowship of the church. Well, there maybe times where you were hurt by someone in church. Maybe, you failed at something in church and did not get the support that you think you deserved. Well, is that any reason to stop believing in God? Of course not!

Do you stop using dollars because someone did something bad with money? Do you stop driving your car because someone did a bad thing with their car? Do you stop talking because someone used their mouth to curse someone? There are good apples and bad apples. There are good cars and bad cars.

There are good churches and not so good churches. As long as you are dealing with people you will have imperfections. You will find the same type of situations in any church that you may attend, but that is possibly a challenge that the Lord desires for you to work through. Not every challenge is for you to walk away from and call it warfare. Not everyone that walks out of your life does it to hurt you?

This life is not all about you. This life is not all about what someone did to you. If you desire to walk in the victory that is yours, then you will begin to have to look beyond people and their faults and see the need that is looking you right in the face. We were created for fellowship. We are created to be in relationship with God and man. I want to encourage you to find a fellowship to be a part of and participate. Allow the Lord to use your talents to bless someone else. You can do it and God will help.

Peace and Love to you,

Walter Taylor

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Are You Thankful?

As promised, here is another writing that I felt compelled to write. This is my brief take on being thankful.

What is the key to finding your purpose? How can you find the will of God for your life? The answer to these two questions are answered already by how you live your life. How do you live your life? How do you go through life? Are you a winner? Are you a positive person? Do you encourage others? Do you always find fault in others?

Do you look for things to criticize in others or do you look for reasons to encourage and motivate others?

The key to the will of God for your life is found by looking in the place where the will of God is written. Where else? The bible reads in 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 18, In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. That is right! The will of God for your life is wrapped up in your ability or refusal to give God thanks.

The more thankful that you become, the sooner the plan and purposes of God will come into your life. Everything that you are looking for is looking for you also, but you must be ready to receive. If your attitude is always stink, do not be surprised at what you bring into your life. You say, how can I give thanks in all that I am going through?

Well, the fact that you are going through is reason enough to give thanks. You are going through. Listen to yourself. If you are going through, that means it is temporary. You are not stuck. Being stuck is a state of mind. You are going through something to prepare you for more challenges ahead. You have to be stronger than you are presently to face the challenges of the future. The things that seem to be taking all of your energy are making you stronger when you look at them in the right way.

Everything that is going on in your life happened for a reason. Are you always wondering why this happened or why that happened? Why not you? Why not now? When are you going to be ready? Good questions to ask yourself and how are you going to answer? The sooner that you can become thankful, the better person you will become. It is always up to us and not God how we respond.
Things could be better you may say.

I'll say to say that they could always be worse! Be thankful for what God has already given you. It may not be the easiest thing to do, but it will bring your soul so much joy! You could be like most people and complain and murmur about everything, but there are good things to be happy and joyful about.

I heard a man say that he complained about not having shoes until he saw a man with no feet. He complained about not having gloves, until he saw a man with no hands.
You can complain about your ears, eyes, nose, mouth, face or your body and I guarantee there is someone that wishes they had what you have. What you may think is junk is treasure to another. Be thankful for the time that you have already had on this earth. In whatever situation that you find yourself in, choose to be thankful. Stay full of thanks-that is what being thankful is all about. You can do it and God will help. Are you thankful?

To you becoming and being thankful,

Walter Taylor